Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Being Thankful . . . .

Sometimes in life we get so-oo busy with all the everyday things we take certain things for granted! We live in a great country and have what we need to live and be comfortable. This week as I read the weekly email from Garland (my younger brother serving in Peru). I had to say a little prayer of gratefullness once again for the little things in life. He and his companion got a fridge this last week! He is so excited. He said now they can give ice to those in need (which is a lot) I can only imagine that having a fridge in this part of Peru is like getting a brand new car to us?? I am truly grateful for modern technology and applicances! These items make life "easy" with out them we might be "busy" doing other things. I know that since I got married that I love appliances more than other items such as new clothes or shoes. But this week I am especially grateful for the simple things I have and that I am taken care of in every way! I am very blessed.


Anonymous said...

Wow that was awesome!! I'm truely grateful too for the small things. living on my own isn't easy! But i know if i didn't have to support no way would i be successful! I love you so much!! Only a few more days and we can PARTY!! haha
Thanks again for everything!!
LOVE, Molly Jo

Jeff & Marci said...

So true, Sadie - so true! I often get caught up in the busyness of life that I forget to be grateful for the small things. Thanks for the reminder! Wishing you, Jeff and Jack a very Merry Christmas from me and from my mom, too!

Briann said...

I agree! I know how it is to not have things, especially as a missionary! I remember on my mission not having electricity alot of the time, it's nice to have things! I can't wait to see you guys!