Sunday, February 17, 2008

Don't Drink & Drive

Welcome Saturday Morning!! A late Valentine present we are calling it! A drunk driver ran his car into the side of our house about 4:30 am. He did some great damage to our house and his car. He then drove away, circling the block and parking in front of his house just down our street. He was passed out in bed when the police found him. (He failed sobriety six hours after hitting our home!!) What a blessing that we found out who did this. Our water line was trashed, so we had to call a plummer out to fix it. We finally got the water back on at 3:30 Saturday afternoon. We are glad everyone is fine and that it was the garage that took the hit. Not really the way we wanted to start our weekend!


Tiffanyrose said...

Holy Crap Sadie! That sounds like it should be on one of those State Farm Commercials. I am happy that everyone is okay but what an IDIOT!! I hope that he got arrested or something. That is so wrong on so many levels. What happened with the guy? Will he have to pay to fix everything?

Soto family said...

Holy Cow!! How in the world did he manage that? What an IDIOT! That's some MAJOR damage! Did they throw him in the klink and throw away the key?

Dave and Jayme Richards said...

That is absolutely crazy! I am glad to hear you guys are okay though. What a wainker! I hope he was put into the slammer & hope he pays his dues! Again, glad you are all alright.

~HS said...

Wow.. glad everyone is okay!

kate said...

So glad to hear it was the garage and not a person!